Our Temples and Sanctuaries

Our Temples, Sanctuaries and Study Groups

The Order of the Golden Dawn has Temples and Sanctuaries in a variety of locations, and we are expanding and adding new locations as well! Our Sanctuaries provide a gathering for group ritual work and study, but they are not yet authorized to perform initiations.  Our Temples have fully qualified and trained officers and are able to perform initiations for all members.

The Order of the Golden Dawn is an authentic initiatory mystery school. We offer instruction and teachings in the traditional Golden Dawn course of study. Our Temples and Sanctuaries meet according to the charters given by the Inner, or Second Order Collegium, pursuant to the Constitution of the Order. The basis of our rituals come from some of the oldest sources of original Golden Dawn material, and the core of our tradition follows the original Golden Dawn curriculum. This is not to say that we have gone back solely to older initiation rituals, methods and curriculum’s and ignored later improvements. Indeed, we have used the knowledge and wisdom of those who have come before us, and made adjustments and modifications to these original rituals and curriculum’s, as have many Orders. Nevertheless, our Outer Order (the Golden Dawn) maintains the majority of traditional teachings, and Inner Order content is kept where it originally was intended by the founders of the original Golden Dawn.

Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra, Denver CO

The Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra is the Mother Temple of the Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer. While most of our members do reside within the state of Colorado, membership is open to any who are willing to take the required oaths of obligation, are accepted for membership and can travel to the Temple location in the Denver area for initiations and Equinox meetings. We currently have members from various places in Colorado, including Denver and its suburbs, Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, and even as far away as Crested Butte as well as Wyoming, Kansas, Texas and Florida.

For information on the Temple of Thoth Amen-Ra, email tar.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Temple of Amun-Amunet, Great Lakes Area

The Temple of Amun-Amunet is the Headquarters Temple of the Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer. Located in the Great Lakes Region, it supports the cities of Green Bay WI, Milwaukee WI, Madison WI, Chicago IL, Minneapolis MN and more, as members travel from around the United States, Canada and the world to this location for initiations and meetings. We own the building which houses the Temple and Vault and it also hosts Grand Meetings of the Order as well as retreats, classes and other events.

For more information on the Temple of Amun-Amunet, email aa.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Temple of Sia-Hu-Ptah, St. Petersburg, FL

The Temple of Sia-Hu-Ra is a fully warranted Temple of the Order located in the St. Petersburg/Tampa, FL area. As a Temple, they may perform initiations, have formal ceremonial meetings and study group meetings for its members, as well as offering open classes to the public. You can find a link to their public study/Meetup group schedule here: Study Circle of Sia Meetup Group.

For information on the Sanctuary of Sia-Hu-Ra, email shp.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Temple of Hathor-Ptah, United States

The Temple of Hathor-Ptah is a remote and roving temple, ran by two of our Second Order Adepti. They travel around the country and are willing to meet with, and potentially have initiations for, those who are interested, but who cannot make it to one of the primary temples for initiations. They can assist in setting up a local Sanctuary as well as provide initiations onsite for those who may be interested.

For information on the Temple of Hathor-Ptah, email hp.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Sanctuary of Heh-Heket, Colorado Springs, CO

The Sanctuary of Heh-Heket is a chartered Sanctuary of the Order located in the Colorado Springs, CO area. As a chartered Sanctuary of the Order, they have formal ceremonial meetings and study groups for its members.

For information on the Sanctuary of Heh-Heket, email hh.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Sanctuary of Thoth-Ptah

The Sanctuary of Thoth-Ptah is a chartered Sanctuary of the Order located in the Salt Lake City, UT area. As a chartered Sanctuary of the Order, they have formal ceremonial meetings and study groups for its members.

For information on the Sanctuary of Thoth-Ptah, email tp.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply online for membership here.

Sanctuary of Ra-Horakhty-Amentet

The Sanctuary of Ra-Horakhty-Amentet is a Sanctuary formed to support and assist those who may wish to follow the path of Self-Initiation. One of our Order’s founders followed the path of self-initiation, until having the opportunity of being initiated into the grades in a Temple setting. With the loss of the Sanctuary of Ma’at, which existed for quite a few years to assist self-initiates, there has been a gap in the support for those who cannot make the long-distance travel to their closest temple for initiations.

For information on the Sanctuary of Ra-Horakhty-Amentet, email rha.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply for membership online here.

Temple of Hermanubis, Texas/New Mexico

The Temple of Hermanubis is an associate temple located in West Texas. It serves the states of Texas and New Mexico, and they have formal ceremonial meetings and study groups for its members.

For information on the Temple of Hermanubis, email h.chiefs@goldendawnorder.com, or you can apply for membership online here.